Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Most Righteous @ The Bible vs The Quran

Compare the Bible against the Quran. So, which book is authored by the Most Righteous? Or which book is more likely to be authored by the Most Righteous? And so, which book deserves more trust and respect? Do judge or evaluate, but do it wisely or rationally. Truly, the Quran is authored by Allah. Allah is the most righteous. And Allah is our creator, our lord, our king, our god.

Your Self And Our Selves And Allah

What do you know? Who made you, or who has given you life? Is there proof that someone other than Allah is your creator? Is there proof that someone other than Allah is your life-giver? And if "god" means sovereign ruler, then who is a god, truly a god? Allah and us: Allah is our creator, our lord, our king, our god. To Allah we belong. And to Allah we are returned.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Knowing And Becoming Muslim

Every Rasulullah (messenger of Allah) is a Muslim, but what does "Muslim" mean, and so, do you fit the definition or description of Muslim? Do you have the 2 basic attitudes or characteristics of Muslim? And fundamental belief: Do you believe that Allah is our creator, our lord, our king, our god? Be honest. And dare to ponder. Don't be deceived regarding the meaning of worship and god and Muslim and Islam. And make no mistake regarding the meaning of slavery and liberty and shirk and tauhid (tawheed) and "najis".
       How did Rasulullahs, including Muhammad and "Jesus Christ", become Muslims? In short, Muslim means one who surrenders to Allah. And a Muslim is necessarily one who worships Allah, only Allah. If you want to become a true Muslim, or if you want to have a good relationship with Allah, then enliven or put to practice, "oh Allah, my creator, my god, only you are my lord, my king, and to you I surrender; salaam, oh Allah, salaam". Hard? Do the right thing! Hmm, so many "ulama" are teaching the wrong way of becoming Muslim. And verily, the "Syahadah" should be regarded as a false "pillar" of Islam. Be rational. And be righteous.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Jesus Christ: The Truths Regarding Him

Who is "Jesus Christ"? Christian means follower of Jesus Christ, but surely Jesus Christ is not a follower of Jesus Christ. Verily, Jesus Christ is not a Christian, and therefore, his religion is not Christianity. If not Christianity, then what is the religion of Jesus Christ? Answer: Islam, which is the religion of Ibrahim, aka Abraham. And what is the real name of Jesus Christ, or by what name did his mother call him? Surely not "Jesus".
       Shouldn't we call him by what his mother calls him? And worship, whom did he worship? Surely not Jesus. Nevertheless, who made Jesus? Answer: Allah, Him, the creator of Islam, the author of the Quran, the only true god. Is there proof that someone other than Allah is the creator of Isa al-Masih, aka Jesus Christ? No, right? So? Don't be deceived, or make no mistake: In Arabic, "God" is "ilah" in Arabic, and "the God" is "al-ilah", not "Allah". The spelling of "ilah" is "alif-lam-ha". And do understand that "alif-lam-ha" can be "ilah", also "alaha", but not "allaha", nor "allah".

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Fundamental Beliefs @ True Followers

If they don't believe that Allah is their creator, their lord, their king, their god, then they are not true believers: Yes, they are not even Muslims, and yes, they are not true followers of Muhammad, nor true followers of Isa al-Masih, aka Jesus Christ, if they don't believe that Allah is their creator, their lord, their king, their god.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Erti "Amal Ibadat" Dan "Rob", Dan Mengenai Menyembah Hanya Allah

Awas, terjemahan atau pengertian yang salah boleh menyesatkan. Dan betapa ramai adalah ulama dan ustaz yang mencanggah al Quran mengenai najis. Ketahuilah, "amal ibadat" ialah "act of worship" di dalam bahasa English. Dan sembah ialah "worship", bukan "prayer".
       Amal ialah perbuatan atau kerja. Dan ibadat (ibadah) ialah penyembahan. Amal ibadat ialah perbuatan atau kerja yang ada kaitannya dengan penyembahan (ibadat). Dan solaat bukanlah ibadat, tetapi ia adalah amal ibadat, sebagaimana puasa dan haji. Sedarlah, solaat tidak sama ertinya dengan sembahyang. Dan janganlah sembah hyang, tetapi sembahlah Allah, hanya Allah.
       Di dalam bahasa Arab, sembah, juga hamba, adalah "ain-ba-dal" atau mengandungi "ain-ba-dal". Fahamilah. Sesungguhnya, menyembah dan menghambakan diri dan beribadat dan mengabdikan diri adalah sama ertinya. Dan "rob-binnas, malikin-nas, ila-hinnas" patut diterjemahkan kepada tuan manusia, raja manusia, tuhan manusia. Sesungguhnya, Allah berhak sebagai tuan, juga berhak sebagai raja, ke atas setiap manusia ciptaanNya. "An-nas" ialah manusia. Dan "ilah", bukan "rob", adalah yang sama ertinya dengan tuhan.
       Di dalam bahasa English, "rob" ialah "lord", iaitu tuan, bukan "god", bukan tuhan. Dan "malik" ialah "king", iaitu raja. Tuan dan raja dan tuhan adalah 3 jenis pemerintah, atau 3 kategori pemerintah. Dan ingat atau fahamilah, bahawa mereka yang menyamakan "rob" dengan tuhan sangatlah tidak patut untuk diambil sebagai guru dalam mempelajari Islam, usahkan patut dianggap ulama Islam. Siapakah Allah? Apakah kaitan kita dengan Allah? Sedar bahkan perjuangkanlah bahawa Allah adalah pencipta kita, tuan kita, raja kita, tuhan kita. Setialah kepada Allah: Janganlah selain Allah dipertuankan, usahkan diperajakan. Allah, hanya Allah adalah yang patut kita sembah. Dan benar, menyembah ialah menghambakan diri, tetapi sedarlah juga bahawa mempertuankan selain Allah, apatah lagi memperajakan selain Allah, adalah menyembah selain Allah.
       Awas, sia-sia atau bahkan membawa ke Neraka adalah solaat dan amal ibadat lain yang engkau lakukan, kalau Allah sebenarnya tidak engkau sembah, apatah lagi kalau selain Allah adalah yang engkau sebenarnya sembah. Pertuankanlah Allah, hanya Allah. Dan perajakanlah Allah, hanya Allah. Jangan silap ataupun tertipu mengenai sembah. Janganlah bohong semasa mengucap ayat 5 surah Fatihah. Dan mengenai sembah, sila perhalusi hakikat bahawa menyembah ialah menghambakan diri, dan bahawa kalau ada hamba ataupun abdi, maka adalah tuan, serta bahawa raja adalah tuan, semestinya raja adalah tuan ke atas yang dikuasainya.
       Kafir, yang menyembah selain Allah adalah Kafir, menurut 3 ayat pertama di surah Kafirun. Dan benar, yang menyembah selain Allah bahkan adalah Mushrik, yakni yang shirik terhadap Allah. Wahai Kafir Mushrik, hanya Allah adalah yang aku sembah, yakni hanya kepada Allah aku menghambakan diri, yakni hanya Allah adalah yang aku pertuankan, perajakan. Allahu akbar.
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Bagaimana Untuk Menjadi Muslim Sebenar