Simply said, I should have used the word “aslim”, instead of “aslam”, although the Arabic spelling for both words are the same, which is “alif-sin-lam-mim”. Truly, “aslim” rhymes with “Muslim”, while “aslam” rhymes with “Islam”. Anyway, in my effort to define Muslim, I should have stated that Muslim means one who “aslim”, instead of one who “aslam”. So, please forgive me. One verse in the Quran regarding “aslim” and “aslamtu” is verse 131 of surah Baqarah (Quran 2:131). Moving on, please understand that “lam-alif-mim” in Arabic is equal to “laam”, not “lam”, therefore, “sin-lam-alif-mim” is for “salaam”, not “salam”. And do understand that “lam-alif” is Arabic for “laa”, not “la”, therefore, “sod-lam-alif-ta” is for “solaat”, not “solat”.
Of course, I am not the only one who has simplified “salaam” to “salam”, and “solaat” to “solat”. Right? And truly, the “Jawi” is not exactly the same as Arabic. Nevertheless, precision is important. Omitting one letter could change the meaning. And misspelling is not a good thing. Truthfully, “aslim” in Arabic means surrender or submit in English. And Muslim means one who “aslim”. To whom do Muslims surrender or submit? To Allah, of course. Note: I prefer using the word “surrender” than “submit” because “surrender” is clear or more precise, and it is not likely, or it is less likely, to be misunderstood, compared to “submit”. And if you know Arabic well, then what is the Arabic word which spelling is merely “sin-lam-mim”? Is it “salim”? Is it “salam”? In reality, do both “salim” and “salam” exist in Arabic vocabulary? Anyway, is there any difference between “salim” and “salam”? How about “aslim” and “aslam”? And how about “solaat” and “solat”? Please let me know. And please, correct me if I am wrong. Truthfully, Muslim precisely means one who surrenders to Allah, therefore, surrendering to Allah is necessary for anyone to become a Muslim, in the sight of Allah, Him, the sole creator or inventor of Islam, Him, the sole author of the Quran.
Yes, the Quran, not the Hadith, is the book to understand and live by, while Allah, not Muhammad, nor Jesus Christ, is whom to accept as lord and as king. And pride, as lust, is not what to follow. Seriously, what do you get if you refuse to humble and surrender to Allah, Him, the most powerful, the most righteous, the uncontrolled? Real power? True wisdom? A great future? And regarding “mubahalah”, who would teach that it is an ancient way, or that it is not a righteous thing to do? Is it Rasulullahs? Or is it the Munafiqs? Get it? Anyway, beware of reasons. And to understand why those who say the Syahadah should or could be regarded as Munafiqs, consider verse 1 of surah Munafiqun. Who is the true witness that Muhammad is a Rasulullah? Truly, it is Allah, not ulama of Sunnis, nor imams of Shias. And if you did not witness, then you should not bear witness.