Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Meaning Of God @ What Is "God" And So, Who Is Truly A God?

What is "god"? Someone said that "god" came from the Hebrew word "el"? Really? "Christ" came from the Greek word "christos" make sense, but "god" came from the Hebrew word "el"? Hmm. They sound so different, right? Anyway, if not "sovereign ruler", then what does "god" mean? And if "god" means strong leader, then how many are strong leaders? Surely, there are many strong leaders, but are there really many gods? And leader vs ruler: Which one is superior in power? 
Ruler is superior to leader, right? And to lead and to rule are not the same in meaning, right? 
       Anyway, lord and king and god are 3 types or categories of rulers. Rulers, not leaders. Ruler is not as same in meaning as leader. And lord and king and god are 3 types or categories of rulers, not 3 types or categories of creators, not 3 types or categories of leaders. Get it? Beware of misdefinition. Beware of mistranslation. And beware of misconclusion. "God" means sovereign ruler, not strong leader, not creator. And a sovereign ruler is a ruler who is uncontrolled by anyone. Prove me wrong if you can. "God" means sovereign ruler: So, who is a sovereign ruler? Is Jesus Christ truly a sovereign ruler? Answer: No. Right? Simply said, "laa-ilaha-illallah", that is "not a god except Allah". Allah, only Allah is truly a god. To Nabi Isa, aka Jesus Christ, Allah gave a book called "Injil" (Injeel). And to Nabi Muhammad, Allah gave the "Quran" which is in Arabic. In what language is the "Injil"? Remember that the lingua franca was Aramaic, not Hebrew. So? The lingua franca was Aramaic, so the Injil must be in Aramaic. And the lingua franca was Aramaic, so Jesus Christ usually spoke in Aramaic. What is "god" and "Jesus" in Aramaic, but what is "god" and "Jesus" in Arabic? Find out. And "Allah" is a personal name, unlike God and Lord, so "Allah" should not be translated as "God". 
       Anyway, were the Jews supporters of Jesus Christ? If the Jews were against Jesus Christ, then is it not sensible to ignore what the Jews say about Jesus Christ or God? Truly, there are no capital letters in Aramaic, nor in Arabic. So, "God" and "god" in Aramaic is "alaha" or "elahh". And in Arabic, "God" and "god" is "ilah", and its spelling is "alif-laam-ha" which can also be pronounced as "alaha". And Firaun (Pharaoh) is a human who had claimed that he is a god. Why? If Firaun is not crazy nor stupid, then why did he claim that he is a god? Is it because he is worshiped? Is it because he is a strong leader? Is it because he is a creator? Answer: No. Make sense? Agree? Is it not because he believes that he is a sovereign ruler, and because "god" means sovereign ruler, therefore he believes that he is a god? Logical? Note: Please let me know if I am grammatically incorrect. 
Crucifixion And "Syahadah" (2 Big Lies), And 
Worship And The "Lingua Franca" 
Important Facts Regarding Muslims And Jesus Christ 
And "Alaha" And "Allah" And God @ Open Your Mind 
Obedience And Loyalty, And The Truths Regarding 
"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God 
Do You Really Follow Or Believe In Jesus Christ? 
Stop Lying About Allah Or God Or The Bible 

Crucifixion And "Syahadah" (2 Big Lies), And Worship And The "Lingua Franca"

Have you heard? The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a lie. The one being crucified was someone whom Allah had made to look just like Jesus Christ. Understand that if 2 Jesus Christ were seen at the same time, then one of them must be a fake or an imposter. And if it was really Jesus Christ who was being crucified, then he would not say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Make sense? Regarding the Jews who spoke Hebrew, were they supporters of Jesus Christ, or were they against him? If they were against Jesus Christ, then is it not sensible to ignore what the Jews say about Jesus Christ or his teaching? Nevertheless, Jesus Christ is as same as Isa al-Masih, that is Nabi Isa. And if the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is actually a lie, then what should be said about the Bible? Words of God? Words of men inspired by God? Don't be deceived or misled. And God is not stupid enough to die for His slaves or for any of His creations. 
       How or what about Muslim? Truly, "muslim" = one who "aslim" (to Allah). And "aslim" = surrender. So, you must surrender to Allah in order to become a Muslim, but saying the "Syahadah" (Shahada) does not not make you one who surrenders to Allah, nor one who worships Allah. So? In conclusion, saying the "Syahadah" is not how to enter Islam or become a Muslim: In other words, the teaching which says that entering Islam is by saying the "Syahadah" is a lie. Think, how did Nabi Muhammad become a Muslim? And how did Nabi Ibrahim become a Muslim? Understand that entering Islam is as same as becoming Muslim. Precisely, "syahadah" is a witnessing, not declaration, nor testimony. And if you did not witness that "laa-ilaha-illallah", then you cannot bear witness that "laa-ilaha-illallah". Honestly, when did "you" witness that "laa-ilaha-illallah", or that "Muhammadar rasulullah"? Remember, you cannot bear witness without witnessing: In other words, if you did not witness or do not witness, then you cannot bear witness. What else that you cannot do if you did not or do not witness? Simply said, here is how to enter Islam or become a Muslim: Say, and more importantly, apply or put to practice, "oh Allah, my creator, my god, only you are my lord, my king, and to you I surrender; salaam, oh Allah, salaam”. Hard to do? Do the right thing! 
       Truly, worshiping Allah, only Allah, and surrendering to Allah are 2 main attitudes or characteristics of a true Muslim. Hmm, what is worship? And what is surrender? In Arabic, "worship" and "slave" is a word that spells "ain-ba-dal" or contains "ain-ba-dal". So? Worshiping has something to do with being a slave. And to worship is to humble or lower oneself as a slave. To worship is to humble or lower oneself as a slave to the one being worshiped, but understand also that accepting as lord, more so accepting as king, is worshiping. How about surrender? Well, what is the opposite of surrender? Knowing the opposite helps. And my most important prayer or request is protection of Allah from Hellfire. Truly, Nabi Isa, aka Jesus Christ, and Nabi Muhammad are spiritual preachers. And they are slaves and messengers of Allah, Him, lord of the Universe. Allah gave a book called "Injil" (Injeel) to Nabi Isa, aka Jesus Christ. And Allah gave "al Quran" to Nabi Muhammad. The Quran is in Arabic, simple Arabic, but in what language is Injil? Is it in Hebrew, or is it in Aramaic? Understand that the "lingua franca" was Aramaic, not Hebrew. So? Regarding the truth that Muslim is one who worships Allah, only Allah, understand verse 5 of surah Fatihah (Quran 1:5) and the first 3 verses of surah Kafirun (Quran 109:1-3). Verily, a lie is that entering Islam is by saying the "Syahadah". And if a lie is that entering Islam is by saying the "Syahadah", then what should be said about the so-called "Pillars of Islam" and the so-called "sayings of the Prophet"? Simply said, beware of the Munafiqs (Hypocrites). Understand and believe the teachings of Allah. 
       Truth is, the "lingua franca" was Aramaic, not Hebrew, so? The lingua franca was Aramaic, so Jesus Christ usually spoke in Aramaic. Make sense? "Yahweh" and "elohim" and "eloah" are not parts of Aramaic. What is "god" and "Jesus" in Aramaic? And what is "god" and "Jesus" in Arabic? So? Truly, Hebrew was insignificant compared to Aramaic, and Hebrew is insignificant compared to Arabic. The real Jesus Christ is the one who was saved from being crucified, not the one who said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" And if Jesus Christ was God, then he would not say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Make sense? Remember, truths and teachings of Allah should be accepted, no matter what. Truths and teachings of Allah are what to believe. And like it or not, Allah is our creator, our rightful lord, our rightful king. "God" means sovereign ruler, not creator, not one being worshiped. And a truly sovereign ruler is a ruler who is not controlled by anyone. Is there a truly sovereign ruler except Allah? Answer: No. So? True is that "laa-ilaha-illallah", that is "not a god except Allah". Only Allah is truly a god. Like it or not, to Allah we belong. And to Allah we are returned. So? 
Bastard And God, And No Matter What 
Real Truths About Jesus Christ And 
Crucifixion, And 2 Big Lies 
Important Facts Regarding Muslims And Jesus Christ 
And "Alaha" And "Allah" And God @ Open Your Mind 
Obedience And Loyalty, And The Truths Regarding 
"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God 
Stop Lying About Allah Or God Or The Bible 

Hakikat "Syahadah", Dan Muslim = Yang "Aslim", Maka?

Apa itu "Muslim"? Sebenarnya, Muslim = yang "aslim" (kepada Allah). Muslim = yang "aslim" kepada Allah, maka apakah susulan itu? Muslim = yang "aslim" kepada Allah, maka seseorang perlulah "aslim" kepada Allah untuk menjadi Muslim. "Aslim" adalah menyerah, sedangkan "tawakkal" adalah berserah. Dan masuk Islam adalah sama ertinya dengan menjadi Muslim. Selain "aslim" kepada Allah, seseorang perlulah menyembah Allah, hanya Allah, untuk menjadi Muslim. Buktinya? Fahami ayat 5 di surah Fatihah dan 3 ayat pertama di surah Kafirun. Sila selidik. Dan fikir, bagaimanakah Nabi Muhammad dan Nabi Ibrahim masuk Islam atau menjadi Muslim? Jangan berdolak-dalih. Dan mengenai "syahadah Munafiq" di dalam al Quran, fahami ayat pertama di surah Munafiqun. 
       Hmm, apa itu "bersaksi" atau "naik saksi"? Dan apakah "aku menyaksikan" di dalam bahasa Arab? Janganlah putar-belit ataupun kena tipu. Sebenarnya, "syahadah" = penyaksian, bukan pengakuan, bukan perakuan. Dan "ash-hadu" = "aku menyaksikan", bukan "aku memperakui", bukan "aku percaya". Bilakah engkau menyaksikan bahawa "laa-ilaha-illallah" ataupun bahawa "Muhammadar rasulullah"? Kalau engkau sebenarnya tidak menyaksikan, maka boleh atau patutlah engkau "bersaksi" atau "naik saksi"? Sekali lagi, kalau engkau sebenarnya tidak menyaksikan, maka boleh atau patutlah engkau "bersaksi" atau "naik saksi"? Jujurlah. Pendek kata, bohong besar dan ajaran sesat adalah bahawa masuk Islam adalah dengan mengucap "kalimah Syahadah". Dan kalau bohong atau tidak benar adalah bahawa masuk Islam adalah dengan mengucap "kalimah Syahadah", maka apakah yang patut dikatakan mengenai apa yang diuar-uarkan sebagai "Rukun Islam" dan "Hadis Nabi"? Munasabahlah. Dan ambillah al Quran sebagai imam atau sebagai kitab panduan terpenting. Fahami terjemahan 3 ayat pertama di surah Kafirun, iaitu "Katakanlah: Wahai Kafir, aku tidak sembah apa yang engkau sembah, dan engkau tidak sembah apa yang aku sembah". Dan fahami terjemahan ayat 5, surah Fatihah, iaitu "Hanya Engkau (Allah) kami sembah", atau "Hanya Engkau (Allah) adalah yang kami sembah". 
       Fahami 3 ayat pertama di surah Kafirun, lalu sedarlah bahawa sembahan Muslim adalah Allah, hanya Allah. Yang menyembah selain Allah adalah Kafir. Dan sedarlah juga bahawa yang membezakan Muslim dari Kafir adalah sembahan, bukan solaat. Nampak? Dan fahami ayat 5 di surah Fatihah,  lalu sedarlah bahawa yang sebenarnya tidak menyembah Allah dan yang sebenarnya menyembah selain Allah adalah yang bohong kepada Allah semasa mengucap ayat 5 di surah Fatihah. Nampak? Jangan silap mengenai masuk Islam, ataupun mengenai sembah dan hamba dan ibadat. Sebenarnya, beribadat = menyembah. Beribadat kepada Allah adalah sama ertinya dengan menyembah Allah. Dan abdi = hamba, maka mengabdikan diri = menghambakan diri. Ringkas kata, menyembah = menghambakan diri = beribadat = mengabdikan diri. Dan kalau ada hamba ataupun abdi, maka adalah tuan, oleh sebab itu, menghambakan diri ataupun mengabdikan diri bermakna mempertuankan. Dan raja adalah tuan (ke atas yang dikuasainya): Maka memperajakan adalah mempertuankan. Ingat, kalau engkau tidak mempertuankan, atau kalau engkau tidak menghambakan diri, maka engkau tidaklah menyembah. Menyembah = menghambakan diri, tetapi sedarlah juga bahawa mempertuankan adalah menyembah, begitu juga atau lebih-lebih memperajakan. Dan yang menyembah selain Allah adalah Mushrik, iaitu yang shirik terhadap Allah, walaupun melakukan solaat. 
       Fikir, apakah hukum berbohong atau membuat pengakuan palsu semasa melakukan solaat? Kalau haram atau berdosa, maka? Hmm, betapa banyaknya solaat dan amal ibadat yang membawa ke Neraka atau sia-sia. Dan betapa ustaz adalah yang menyesatkan. Dulu, yang ramai bukanlah pengikut Nabi Muhammad, tetapi pengikut Abu Jahal. Sekarang, atau sehingga sekarang, yang ramai bukanlah pengikut Nabi Muhammad, tetapi pengikut "ajaran sesat Syahadah". Ingat, terjemahan atau pengertian atau kesimpulan yang salah janganlah tidak disedari, usahkan diterima-pakai atau dipercaya. Sedarlah bahawa yang mempercayai terjemahan atau pengertian atau kesimpulan yang salah bukanlah yang faham atau tahu ataupun lurus. Dan fahamilah bahawa yang mempercayai terjemahan atau pengertian atau kesimpulan yang salah bukanlah yang mengikut atau mempercayai ataupun menerima. Awas, jangan tersalah kitab ataupun guru, usahkan tidak memikirkan. Mengenai tadabbur atau menggunakan akal, fahami Quran 4:82 dan 23:68 dan 38:29. Dan mengenai menyangka, fahami Quran 6:116. 
Erti Islam Dan Muslim @ Erti Islam 
Bukanlah "Salaam" Atau "Peace" 
Syahadah Dan Munafiq @ 
Jangan Silap Mengenai Masuk Islam 
Bohong Di Dalam Solaat, Dan Mengenai Demokrasi 
Dan Raja Dan Shirik Terhadap Allah 
9 Ajaran Sesat Atau Bohong Yang Paling Bahaya 
Ilmu Masuk Islam Dan Sembah @ 
Bagaimana Untuk Menjadi Muslim Sebenar 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Kebenaran Asas Yang Paling Penting

Ada banyak kebenaran. Ada banyak ilmu. Dan ada banyak ajaran dan sangkaan dan bohong dan alasan. Apapun, apakah kebenaran asas yang paling penting? Atau kebenaran yang asas manakah yang paling penting? Jawapan: Allah adalah pencipta kita, tuan kita, raja kita, tuhan kita. Masuk akal? Kalau engkau tidak setuju, maka kenapa? 
Tidakkah penting untuk tahu bagaimana kita boleh wujud? Kalau kita adalah ciptaan, maka siapakah pencipta kita, dan kenapakah kita dicipta? Apakah sepatutnya hak pencipta kita ke atas kita? Dan tidakkah kita patut taat kepada pencipta kita? Suka atau tidak, siapakah yang berhak sebagai tuan dan sebagai raja ke atas kita? Dan tidakkah kita patut setia kepada yang berhak sebagai tuan kita dan kepada yang berhak sebagai raja kita? 
(Bersambung @ Akan ditokok-tambah....) 
Bohong Di Dalam Solaat, Dan Mengenai 
Demokrasi Dan Raja Dan Shirik Terhadap Allah 
Syahadah Dan Munafiq @ 
Jangan Silap Mengenai Masuk Islam 
9 Ajaran Sesat Atau Bohong Yang Paling Bahaya 
Ilmu Masuk Islam Dan Sembah @ 
Bagaimana Untuk Menjadi Muslim Sebenar 
Solaat Yang Sia-Sia, Dan Mengenai Shirik 
Dan Tauhid Dan Perhambaan 
Hakikat 2 Kalimah Syahadah 

The Most Important Fundamental Truth

There are many truths. There are many knowledge. And there are many teachings and assumptions and lies and reasons. Anyway, what is the most important fundamental truth? Or which fundamental truth is the most important? Answer: Allah is our creator, our lord, our king, our god. Make sense? If you disagree, then why? 
Is it not important to know how we could exist? If we are creations, then who is our creator, and why are we created? What should be the rights of our creator over us? And shouldn't we be obedient to our creator? Like it or not, who has the right as lord and as king over us? And shouldn't we be loyal to our rightful lord and to our rightful king? 
(To be continued...) 
Bastard And God, And No Matter What 
Real Truths About Jesus Christ And 
Crucifixion, And 2 Big Lies 
Important Facts Regarding Muslims And Jesus Christ 
And "Alaha" And "Allah" And God @ Open Your Mind 
Obedience And Loyalty, And The Truths Regarding 
"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God 
Do You Really Follow Or Believe In Jesus Christ? 
Stop Lying About Allah Or God Or The Bible 
Jesus vs God @ Why Jesus Christ Is Not God 
Muhammadist And Christian And 
The True Meaning of Islam 