What is "god"? Someone said that "god" came from the Hebrew word "el"? Really? "Christ" came from the Greek word "christos" make sense, but "god" came from the Hebrew word "el"? Hmm. They sound so different, right? Anyway, if not "sovereign ruler", then what does "god" mean? And if "god" means strong leader, then how many are strong leaders? Surely, there are many strong leaders, but are there really many gods? And leader vs ruler: Which one is superior in power? Ruler is superior to leader, right? And to lead and to rule are not the same in meaning, right?
Anyway, lord and king and god are 3 types or categories of rulers. Rulers, not leaders. Ruler is not as same in meaning as leader. And lord and king and god are 3 types or categories of rulers, not 3 types or categories of creators, not 3 types or categories of leaders. Get it? Beware of misdefinition. Beware of mistranslation. And beware of misconclusion. "God" means sovereign ruler, not strong leader, not creator. And a sovereign ruler is a ruler who is uncontrolled by anyone. Prove me wrong if you can. "God" means sovereign ruler: So, who is a sovereign ruler? Is Jesus Christ truly a sovereign ruler? Answer: No. Right? Simply said, "laa-ilaha-illallah", that is "not a god except Allah". Allah, only Allah is truly a god. To Nabi Isa, aka Jesus Christ, Allah gave a book called "Injil" (Injeel). And to Nabi Muhammad, Allah gave the "Quran" which is in Arabic. In what language is the "Injil"? Remember that the lingua franca was Aramaic, not Hebrew. So? The lingua franca was Aramaic, so the Injil must be in Aramaic. And the lingua franca was Aramaic, so Jesus Christ usually spoke in Aramaic. What is "god" and "Jesus" in Aramaic, but what is "god" and "Jesus" in Arabic? Find out. And "Allah" is a personal name, unlike God and Lord, so "Allah" should not be translated as "God".
Anyway, were the Jews supporters of Jesus Christ? If the Jews were against Jesus Christ, then is it not sensible to ignore what the Jews say about Jesus Christ or God? Truly, there are no capital letters in Aramaic, nor in Arabic. So, "God" and "god" in Aramaic is "alaha" or "elahh". And in Arabic, "God" and "god" is "ilah", and its spelling is "alif-laam-ha" which can also be pronounced as "alaha". And Firaun (Pharaoh) is a human who had claimed that he is a god. Why? If Firaun is not crazy nor stupid, then why did he claim that he is a god? Is it because he is worshiped? Is it because he is a strong leader? Is it because he is a creator? Answer: No. Make sense? Agree? Is it not because he believes that he is a sovereign ruler, and because "god" means sovereign ruler, therefore he believes that he is a god? Logical? Note: Please let me know if I am grammatically incorrect.
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- https://bit.ly/39j4ehG
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- https://bit.ly/2B7iYRI
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- https://bit.ly/2UrxhqZ
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- https://bit.ly/3c3WUFq
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- https://bit.ly/35sdgDi