Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Real Truths About Jesus Christ And Crucifixion, And 2 Big Lies

Jesus Christ was a preacher. Know what “lingua franca” means. And understand that the “lingua franca” was Aramaic, not Hebrew. So? Surely, Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic to deliver his messages and the words of God. Is “Jesus” an Aramaic name? Answer: No. So? And the word “Christ” comes from christos, a Greek word meaning “anointed”, so Jesus Christ is the “anointed”, not the “anointer”. By whom was Jesus Christ anointed? So, Jesus Christ is not God, right? Regarding crucifixion, the “crime” of going against the Caesar (king or emperor of Rome) was punishable by death via crucifixion. And preaching to accept only Allah as personal lord and only Allah as personal king is going against the Caesar, surely not for the Caesar. The Romans practised slavery. And preaching to accept only Allah as personal lord and only Allah as personal king is for loyalty to Allah, and is against slavery. So?
       Jesus Christ was a spiritual preacher. He worshiped Allah, only Allah. And he preached others to worship Allah, only Allah. What is worship? To worship does not mean to love. And to worship does not mean to pray, nor to do “solaat”. Worshiping is humbling or lowering oneself as slave to the one being worshiped, but do also understand that accepting as lord, more so accepting as king, is worshiping. And Jesus Christ preached others to worship Allah, only Allah. So, Jesus Christ preached others to accept Allah, only Allah as lord. And Jesus Christ preached others to accept Allah, only Allah as king. So, Jesus Christ was against the Caesar, more or less. Make sense? And the “crime” of going against the Caesar was punisable by death via crucifixion. What is crucifixion? According to Wikipedia, crucifixion is a method of punishment or capital punishment in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang, perhaps for several days, until eventual death from exhaustion and asphyxiation. It probably originated with the Persians, and was used extensively by the Romans. And being crucified was a very humiliating and shameful way to die because the person was hung for everyone in the town to see. Think, was Jesus Christ really crucified, or was it someone else?
       Who could prove that it was really Jesus Christ who was crucified? And think, how could Jesus Christ free himself from the cross if both of his hands were tied or nailed to the wooden beam? How about you? Could you free yourself from the cross if both of your hands are tied or nailed to the wooden beam? Could you really? Based on the Quran, the one who was crucified was not Jesus Christ, but someone whom Allah has made to look exactly like Jesus Christ. And if it was really Jesus Christ who was being crucified, then he would not have said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Make sense? In conclusion, a lie, a big lie is that Jesus Christ was crucified. Hmm, what do many people believe following the belief or assumption that Jesus Christ was crucified? Anyway, understand that Jesus Christ = Isa al-Masih = Nabi Isa. And a loose definition in English is that Nabi (plural form: Anbiya) is Prophet, and Rasul (plural form: Rusul) is Messenger. Understand that Nabi does not mean one who prophesizes. And the Bible is really not authored by God, and therefore it is really not Words of God, unlike the Quran. Allah gave Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa) a book called “Injil”, not “the Bible”. And Allah gave to Nabi Muhammad (or Ahmad) a book called “al-Quran”. Understand the messages in the Quran to realize or conclude that the author of the Quran cannot be Muhammad, but Allah. Like it or not, we are created by Allah. Why did Allah create us? Allah did not create the jinns and the humans except to worship Him (Quran 51:56). And understand that worshiping other than Allah is very much against worshiping Allah.
       Bottom line, worshiping Allah, only Allah is extremely important. And worshiping Allah, only Allah is “tauhid” or being loyal to Allah, while worshiping other than Allah is “shirk” or being disloyal against Allah. Surely, Allah has the rights as owner and as lord and as king over His creations. Simply said, Allah is our rightful lord. Like it or not, Allah is our rightful king. And true, no one is actually a god (sovereign ruler) except Allah, in other words, not a god except Allah. “Laa-ilaha-illallah” should be translated to “not a god except Allah”, not to “no god except God”. “Allah” is a personal name, unlike “Alaha” and “God” and “King” and “Lord”. And a lie, another big lie is that entering Islam or becoming a Muslim is by saying “the Syahadah” (Shahada). We deserve liberty, not slavery. Like it or not, Allah still rules as lord and as king and as god of all humans. And slavery, also “shirk” or disloyalty against Allah, is not where Allah is king or is lord, but where other than Allah is king or is lord. Yes, the religion called Islam is for the worship of Allah, only Allah, and it is for liberty, not slavery. And saying “the Syahadah” is not for becoming a Muslim, but for becoming a Munafiq or a fake Muslim.
Important Facts Regarding Muslims And Jesus Christ
And "Alaha" And "Allah" And God @ Open Your Mind
Do You Really Follow Or Believe In Jesus Christ?
Stop Lying About Allah Or God Or The Bible
Jesus vs God @ Why Jesus Christ Is Not God
Obedience And Loyalty, And The Truths Regarding
"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God