Friday, May 28, 2021

Niat Dan Keyakinan

Jangan tertipu oleh niat dan keyakinan. Niat yang baik dan keyakinan tidak mengubah kejahatan menjadi kebaikan. Niat yang baik dan keyakinan tidak mengubah kepalsuan menjadi kebenaran. Dan masuk Islam atau menjadi Muslim bukanlah dengan mengucap "kalimah Syahadah" walaupun yang mengajarnya adalah "ulama muktabar". Niat yang baik dan keyakinan tidak menghalalkan cara. Niat yang baik dan keyakinan tidak mengubah kebodohan menjadi kepandaian. Dan yang putar-belit atau tidak jujur bukanlah yang layak untuk mendapat hidayah dari Allah mahupun kesedaran, usahkan suatu tempat di Syurga. 
9 Ajaran Sesat Atau Bohong Yang Paling Bahaya 
Ilmu Masuk Islam @ Bagaimana Untuk Menjadi Muslim 
Erti "Rob" (Rabb) Dan Tuhan @ Antara Ajaran Sesat 
Atau Bohong Melalui Doa Di Dalam Bahasa Arab 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

War Against Injustice And Terrorism @ To The Good-Hearted People

War? Regarding injustice and terrorism, or regarding racism and selfishness and arrogance, shouldn't we declare war against the Zionists who live anywhere in the World, especially those in Israel? Truly, how are the attitudes of the Jews in general? Historically, were the Jews honest? And were the Jews straight or true to their words? Be aware that the Jews do not accept Jesus Christ as the Christ or the Messiah. So? And the Bible, including the "Hebrew Bible" is not authored by God, so whose Words is it? Be honest. Be truthful. Don't be deceived. And don't be misled. Do examine the Quran. And a good website to search for and read an English translation of any verse of the Quran is 
       Do not lie or misconclude. And beware of any mistranslation and misdefinition and misconlusion. Regarding the Israelites and Palestine, Allah did not say in the Quran that Palestine is for the Israelites to own. And Allah did not say in the Quran that Palestine is only for the Israelites to dwell. The Israelites should not get greedy. In addition to being thankful to Allah, Him, the author of the Taurat (Torah) and the Injil and the Quran, the Israelites should be grateful to the Palestinians who let them in. Understand that the Israelites were slaves when they were in Egypt during the reign of Firaun, aka the Pharaoh. And isn't it true that European countries did not accept the Jews many years ago? If so, then why? Anyway, Judaism is not the religion of Abraham and Jacob. Regarding the religion of Abraham and Jacob and surrendering to Allah, consider Quran 2:130-136. And who can prove that Israel and Jacob is the same person? Please tell me. Yes, I said "proof", not "hearsay". And I am not perfect, but don't degrade yourself: Truths and teachings of Allah should be accepted no matter what I am. 
       Moving on, let me guess that by declaring war against the Hamas of Palestine around the World, in the name of self-defense or anti-terrorism or whatever else, the Israel government has just started the elimination of the unlawful nation called Israel. And the coming of "al-Mahdi" (the Guided One), followed by Isa al-Masih, aka Jesus Christ, is about to happen. Allah knows. Verily, Allah us our creator, our rightful lord, our rightful king. And no one is truly a god (sovereign ruler) except Allah. To Allah we belong. And like it or not, to Allah we are returned for the ultimate judgement. Are you really good? Nevertheless, think, who made you? Who gave you life? Where were you a thousand years ago? And is there proof that someone other than Allah is your creator? Please note: "Allah" (ul-lawh) is a personal name, unlike "Elohim" and "Eloah" and "God". And "god" means sovereign ruler, not creator, not strong leader, nor one being worshiped. True is that "laa-ilaha-illallah", that is, "not a god except Allah". And do realize that entering Islam or becoming a Muslim is not by saying "the Syahadah". Truly, did Nabi Ibrahim or Nabi Muhammad enter Islam or become a Muslim by saying "the Syahadah"? If not, so? Frankly, saying "the Syahadah" is not how to become a Muslim, but how to become a Munafiq (Hypocrite) or a fake Muslim. If you did not witness, then you cannot bear witness, right? And Allah knows well the Munafiqs and the things that they lie about or made up. 
       Surely, we all will die, but die not except in Islam: In other words, die not except as a Muslim. But how to enter Islam, or be in Islam, or become truly a Muslim? Truly, no messenger of Allah entered Islam or become a Muslim by saying "the Syahadah". Verily, a Muslim is one who worships Allah, only Allah, not accepting other than Allah as his or her king, nor lord. Regarding the truth that Muslim is one who worships Allah, only Allah, understand verse 5 of surah Fatihah (Quran 1:5) and the first 3 verses of surah Kafirun (Quran 109:1-3). And by definition, a Muslim is one who surrenders (to Allah). Nevertheless, we should be against injustice. And we should be against lies. Like it or not, we should accept truths and teachings of Allah. Allah is the creator of the religion called Islam. Allah is the author of the Quran. And Allah is the absolute ruler of both Paradise and Hell. So, be honorable or righteous or good in the sight of Allah to whom we return. Awake. 
About Jesus Christ And The Jews 
And The Meaning Of Worship 
The Meaning Of God @ What Is "God" 
And So, Who Is Truly A God? 
Allah And "Al Ilah" And God @ Do Not Mistranslate 
Obedience And Loyalty, And The Truths Regarding 
"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God 
Stop Lying About Allah Or God Or The Bible 

Monday, May 10, 2021

About Jesus Christ And The Jews And The Meaning Of Worship

Jesus Christ and his mother are human beings who were born in the Middle East, not Europe, not the USA. So? And the lingua franca of the region was Aramaic, not Hebrew, not Greek, not Latin, not English. So? And although there is the "Hebrew Bible", understand that the Jews refused to accept Jesus as the Messiah. So? Imagine. And "the Messiah" in English is as same as "al Masih" in Arabic. Unlike the Quran, the Bible is not authored by God, therefore it should not be regarded as Words of God. Be rational. Be truthful. And "god" means sovereign ruler. Truly, not a god (sovereign ruler) except Allah. And the Quran is proof that Allah exists. The real Jesus Christ is not the one who more or less said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" before he died a shameful death on the crucifix. The real Jesus Christ is the one who was saved by Allah from being crucified. Note: A willing sacrifice, or one who is willing to be sacrificed would not say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Make sense? Truly, a big lie is that Jesus Christ (Isa al-Masih) was crucified. And a big and very dangerous lie is that entering Islam or becoming a Muslim is by saying "the Syahadah". 
       No messengers of Allah, including Jesus Christ and Nabi Muhammad entered Islam or became a Muslim by saying "the Syahadah". And "Muslim" means one who "aslim" to Allah, therefore "aslim" to Allah is necessary for becoming a Muslim. Nabi Isa, that is Isa al-Masih, aka Jesus Christ, has no biological father. True, he was conceived while his mother was not married to any man, therefore many people including the Jews called him a bastard, and his mother was regarded as, or was pretty much treated like a slut or a prostitute. Make sense? Honestly, why didn't the Jews accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah? Nevertheless, for whatever proof or reason, the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah: So should we listen to what the Jews say about Jesus or his teaching? Be rational. Be careful. And historically, were the Jews honest? Or were the Jews true to their words? Don't be deceived. Don't be misled. And the name "Jesus" is not Aramaic, nor Hebrew, nor Arabic. If you ask the Arab Christians who live in the same district or area where Jesus Christ was born, then by what name do they call him and his mother? And what is the name of the god that they claim to worship? Understand that "god" is not an Aramaic word, nor Arabic. And there are no capital letters is Arabic, so the word "god" and "God" is the same Arabic word, which is "ilah". Hmm, if you are a blind person, what then? Don't exaggerate the importance or use of capital letters. "God" and "god" is "ilah" in Arabic, "ilah", not "Allah" (ul-lawh): Don't be confused or misinformed. And "laa-ilaha-illallah" should be translated as "not a god except Allah", not as "no god except God". Personal names such as "Allah" should be kept as is, or should not be translated or changed: Otherwise, there will be confusion and "stupid" arguments. 
       Jesus Christ: By what name did his mother called him? And whom did his mother worship, or accept as her lord and as her king? Remember, the lingua franca was Aramaic, not Hebrew. And right now, the lingua franca of the region is Arabic, not Hebrew, nor English. The lingua franca was Aramaic. And Jesus Christ was given a book called "Injil". Allah is the author of the Taurat (Torah) given to Nabi Musa (Moses), and the Injil given to Nabi Isa (Jesus Christ), and the Quran given to Nabi Muhammad (Ahmad), so expect some similarities. And the author of the Quran should not be accused of plagiarizing the Injil, much less the Bible. Agree? Actually, which verse of the Quran is as same as the one in the Bible? Anyway, if you want the real truth about Jesus Christ and his mother, then consider the Quran, not or rather than the Bible, including the "Hebrew Bible". Allah is our creator, our rightful lord, our rightful king. Allah, only Allah is truly a god. And worshiping Allah, only Allah is the first and most important duty for us to perform. But what is worship? "To worship" does not mean to love, nor to obey, nor to respect, nor to do "solaat". In Arabic, "to worship" and "slave" is a word that spells "ain-ba-dal": So "to worship" means to humble or lower oneself as a slave. Regarding injustice and terrorism, shouldn't we declare war against the Zionists? 
Obedience And Loyalty, And The Truths Regarding 
"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God 
Don't Mislabel @ Fake Is Fake @ Call A Spade A Spade 
Allah And "Al Ilah" And God @ Do Not Mistranslate 
Is Allah = Al+Ilah, And Is Allah = God? 
Firaun (Pharaoh) Versus God @ 
The True Meaning Of "God" 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Jangan Terpedaya Dan Menambah Dosa Dengan Melakukan Solaat

Solaat tidaklah sama ertinya dengan sembahyang. Dan janganlah sembah "hyang", tetapi sembahlah Allah, hanya Allah. Fikir, apakah akibatnya kalau engkau sebenarnya bohong kepada Allah dalam solaat? Adakah mendapat pahala atau ganjaran yang besar dari Allah? Tidakkah engkau sebenarnya menambah atau mendapat dosa? Tidakkah solaat engkau membawa ke Neraka? Janganlah silap mengenai sembah, usahkan silap ataupun kena tipu mengenai masuk Islam, iaitu mengenai bagaimana untuk menjadi Muslim. Mempertuankan, apatah lagi memperajakan adalah menyembah. Dan hamba tidak berhak untuk mendapat upah. 
       Janji Allah dan ajaran pencipta agama Islam adalah sepertimana yang dinyatakan di dalam al Quran. Pendek kata, janganlah terpedaya oleh ada-adaan mengenai janji Allah atau ganjaran atau syafaat. Terjemahan atau pengertian atau kesimpulan yang salah janganlah tidak disedari, usahkan dipercaya. Pencipta agama Islam adalah Allah, hanya Allah, dan Allah, hanya Allah adalah pengarang al Quran, maka? Yang patut dirujuk dan dijadikan panduan adalah al Quran, bukan Jabatan Agama Islam, bukan Majlis Ulama. Jangan bercanggah dengan ajaran Allah atau kebenaran. Dan al Quran patut ditadabbur, bukan patut dihafaz. Ikutlah al Quran, bukan mazhab. Dan jadilah Quranis, bukan Mazhabis. Untuk makluman: Quranis = pengikut al Quran, dan Mazhabis = pengikut mazhab. Sedar atau fahamilah bahawa al Quran adalah sumber Islam dan kewajaran, tetapi "Hadis sahih" adalah sumber bidaah (ada-adaan) dan kesesatan. Al Quran adalah bukti kewujudan Allah dan kerasulan Nabi Muhammad, juga adalah bukti kerasulan Nabi Isa, iaitu Isa al-Masih, iaitu Jesus Christ. Dan ingat, kebenaran dan ajaran Allah patut diterima atau tidak patut ditolak walau siapa pun yang memberitahu. Disiplinkanlah diri. Mengenai bohong kepada Allah dalam solaat, fahami ayat 5, surah Fatihah. Dan fahami bahawa menyembah Allah = beribadat kepada Allah = mengabdikan diri kepada Allah, atau mengabdi kepada Allah. 
       Awas, jangan terpedaya oleh terjemahan atau pengertian yang salah mengenai ayat 5, surah Fatihah. Jangan tertipu oleh perkataan yang berasal dari bahasa Arab seperti abdi dan ibadat. Dan Allah adalah "rob-binnas, malikin-nas, ila-hinnas", iaitu tuan manusia, raja manusia, tuhan manusia: Maka siapakah tuan kita, raja kita, tuhan kita? Fikir, apakah akibatnya kalau engkau tidak betul mengenai erti sembah? Apakah akibatnya kalau engkau tidak betul mengenai masuk Islam, iaitu mengenai bagaimana untuk menjadi Muslim? Siapakah yang Nabi Muhammad terima sebagai tuannya dan sebagai rajanya? Dan patutkah engkau mengharapkan pahala atau ganjaran dari Allah sedangkan ajaran yang engkau ikut sebenarnya bukanlah ajaran Allah? Awas, ulama Mazhab janganlah disamakan dengan ulama Islam. Fikir, Allah bukanlah pencipta ataupun pengasas apa pun mazhab, maka? 
Sembah Dan "Ain-Ba-Dal" Dan "Ash-hadu" Dan Solaat Palsu 
Hakikat "Syahadah", Dan Muslim = Yang "Aslim", Maka? 
Ilmu Masuk Islam @ Bagaimana Untuk Menjadi Muslim 
Erti "Rob" (Rabb) Dan Tuhan @ Antara Ajaran Sesat 
Atau Bohong Melalui Doa Di Dalam Bahasa Arab 
Erti Islam Dan Muslim @ Erti Islam 
Bukanlah "Salaam" Atau "Peace" 