War? Regarding injustice and terrorism, or regarding racism and selfishness and arrogance, shouldn't we declare war against the Zionists who live anywhere in the World, especially those in Israel? Truly, how are the attitudes of the Jews in general? Historically, were the Jews honest? And were the Jews straight or true to their words? Be aware that the Jews do not accept Jesus Christ as the Christ or the Messiah. So? And the Bible, including the "Hebrew Bible" is not authored by God, so whose Words is it? Be honest. Be truthful. Don't be deceived. And don't be misled. Do examine the Quran. And a good website to search for and read an English translation of any verse of the Quran is https://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp
Do not lie or misconclude. And beware of any mistranslation and misdefinition and misconlusion. Regarding the Israelites and Palestine, Allah did not say in the Quran that Palestine is for the Israelites to own. And Allah did not say in the Quran that Palestine is only for the Israelites to dwell. The Israelites should not get greedy. In addition to being thankful to Allah, Him, the author of the Taurat (Torah) and the Injil and the Quran, the Israelites should be grateful to the Palestinians who let them in. Understand that the Israelites were slaves when they were in Egypt during the reign of Firaun, aka the Pharaoh. And isn't it true that European countries did not accept the Jews many years ago? If so, then why? Anyway, Judaism is not the religion of Abraham and Jacob. Regarding the religion of Abraham and Jacob and surrendering to Allah, consider Quran 2:130-136. And who can prove that Israel and Jacob is the same person? Please tell me. Yes, I said "proof", not "hearsay". And I am not perfect, but don't degrade yourself: Truths and teachings of Allah should be accepted no matter what I am.
Moving on, let me guess that by declaring war against the Hamas of Palestine around the World, in the name of self-defense or anti-terrorism or whatever else, the Israel government has just started the elimination of the unlawful nation called Israel. And the coming of "al-Mahdi" (the Guided One), followed by Isa al-Masih, aka Jesus Christ, is about to happen. Allah knows. Verily, Allah us our creator, our rightful lord, our rightful king. And no one is truly a god (sovereign ruler) except Allah. To Allah we belong. And like it or not, to Allah we are returned for the ultimate judgement. Are you really good? Nevertheless, think, who made you? Who gave you life? Where were you a thousand years ago? And is there proof that someone other than Allah is your creator? Please note: "Allah" (ul-lawh) is a personal name, unlike "Elohim" and "Eloah" and "God". And "god" means sovereign ruler, not creator, not strong leader, nor one being worshiped. True is that "laa-ilaha-illallah", that is, "not a god except Allah". And do realize that entering Islam or becoming a Muslim is not by saying "the Syahadah". Truly, did Nabi Ibrahim or Nabi Muhammad enter Islam or become a Muslim by saying "the Syahadah"? If not, so? Frankly, saying "the Syahadah" is not how to become a Muslim, but how to become a Munafiq (Hypocrite) or a fake Muslim. If you did not witness, then you cannot bear witness, right? And Allah knows well the Munafiqs and the things that they lie about or made up.
Surely, we all will die, but die not except in Islam: In other words, die not except as a Muslim. But how to enter Islam, or be in Islam, or become truly a Muslim? Truly, no messenger of Allah entered Islam or become a Muslim by saying "the Syahadah". Verily, a Muslim is one who worships Allah, only Allah, not accepting other than Allah as his or her king, nor lord. Regarding the truth that Muslim is one who worships Allah, only Allah, understand verse 5 of surah Fatihah (Quran 1:5) and the first 3 verses of surah Kafirun (Quran 109:1-3). And by definition, a Muslim is one who surrenders (to Allah). Nevertheless, we should be against injustice. And we should be against lies. Like it or not, we should accept truths and teachings of Allah. Allah is the creator of the religion called Islam. Allah is the author of the Quran. And Allah is the absolute ruler of both Paradise and Hell. So, be honorable or righteous or good in the sight of Allah to whom we return. Awake.
About Jesus Christ And The Jews
And The Meaning Of Worship
- https://bit.ly/3vL6lmi
The Meaning Of God @ What Is "God"
And So, Who Is Truly A God?
- https://bit.ly/39jS2x8
Allah And "Al Ilah" And God @ Do Not Mistranslate
- https://bit.ly/3ctbrgB
Obedience And Loyalty, And The Truths Regarding
"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God
- https://bit.ly/2UrxhqZ
Stop Lying About Allah Or God Or The Bible
- https://bit.ly/35sdgDi