Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Muhammadist (Muhammadan) And Christian And The True Meaning of Islam

Muhammadist or Muhammadan means follower of Nabi Muhammad. Christian means follower of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is Nabi Isa. So? Note: "Nabi" is the Arabic word that has been (mis)translated to "Prophet". Anyway, isn't it true that Jesus Christ and his followers must be in the same religion and worship the same being? And truth is, Nabi Muhammad and Nabi Isa are Muslims, and worship Allah, only Allah, the one and only true god. So?
       Simply said, no one is a follower of Nabi Muhammad without being a Muslim. And no one is a Christian without being a Muslim. Understand that Muslim does not mean follower of Nabi Muhammad. Verily, no one is a Muslim without worshiping Allah, only Allah. And of course, no one is a Muslim without surrendering (oneself) to Allah. Nevertheless, to Allah we belong. Allah is our lord. And willing or not, to Allah we are returned. Truly, one who is in Islam is called Muslim, but one who is in "salaam" should be called Muslaam, not Muslim. Muslim means one who "aslim". And "aslim" means surrender. Muslim means one who surrenders, and one who surrenders is as same as one who is in surrender: Therefore, Islam means surrender, not "salaam", not "peace". Get it?
       Truth is, one who "aslim" or surrenders (Muslim) is as same as one who is in surrender (Islam). Surely, Muslim does not mean one who is in peace. And "god" means sovereign ruler. Only Allah is a truly sovereign ruler, so only Allah is truly a god. And Allah is the author of the Quran. The Quran is proof that Nabi Muhammad is a "rasul" or messenger of Allah. And regarding original vs copy: If the words are the same, then the copy of the book is or should be acceptable. Anyway, truths and teachings of Allah are what to believe and live by. So? Be a Muslim, truly a Muslim. Die not, except in Islam, in other words, die not, except as Muslim (in the sight of Allah). Be a Muslim, not a "mazhabist". And true, Allah, the sole creator of Islam, did not create any "mazhab", therefore, there is no "mazhab" in Islam, true Islam.
       How did Nabi Ibrahim or Nabi Isa (Jesus Christ) or Nabi Muhammad "enter Islam"? Answer: Surely not by saying "ash-haduan-na Muhammadar rasulullah". So? Verily, a big lie is the teaching which says that entering Islam is by saying "the Syahadah". Note: Entering Islam is as same as becoming Muslim. And dare think, whom did Maryam or Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ) worship while she was pregnant? Or whom did she accept as her lord and as her king? Hmm, so many are fake Christians. So many are fake Muhammadists. And so many are fake Muslims.
Knowing And Becoming Muslim
Muslim, Truly, And Crucial Truths Regarding Worship