Your Lord. And your King. Like it or not, shouldn't you be obedient and also be loyal to your rightful Lord? And shouldn't you be obedient and loyal to your rightful King? Anyway, what is "obedient" in Arabic? What is "loyal" in Arabic? And what is the opposite of it? Actually, what is "worship" in Arabic? And what is "god" in Arabic? Simply said, the opposite of "tauhid" (tawheed) is "shirk". "Tauhid" is loyal or loyalty while "shirk" is disloyal or disloyalty. And worshiping Allah, only Allah is "tauhid" or loyalty towards Allah, while worshiping other than Allah is "shirk" or disloyalty against Allah.
Allah did not create humans except to worship Him. And worshiping other than Allah contradicts worshiping Allah. Think, how would you feel if your creation worships other than you, or if it accepts other than you as its king or as its lord? True, to worship is to humble or to lower oneself as slave (to the one being worshiped), but also realize that accepting as lord, more so accepting as king, is worshiping. Understand that in Arabic, "worship", also "slave", is a word that spells or contains "ain-ba-dal". So? Yes, "worship" has "something to do" with "slave". There is a relation between worship and slave. And "god" means sovereign ruler. "God" does not actually mean one being worshiped. What are the rights of Allah over His creations? Doesn't He has the right as owner and as lord over His creations? And doesn't He has the right as king over His creations?
Like it or not, Allah is the creator of all humans. Like it or not, Allah is "rob-binnas" (lord of humans), malikin-nas" (king of humans), "ila-hinnas" (god of humans). And like it or not, to Allah we belong, and to Allah we are returned. Allah is the rightful owner of every human. Allah is the rightful lord of every human. And Allah is the rightful king of every human. Note: "God" means sovereign ruler, and a sovereign ruler is a ruler who is not controlled by anyone: So, is there a sovereign ruler except Allah? Truly, not a god except Allah, in other words, "laa-ilaha-illallah". Be correct. And die not except in Islam. Note: If we are in disagreement, then please prove me wrong. Remember, truths and teachings of Allah should be accepted.
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