Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Important Facts Regarding Muslims And Jesus Christ And "Alaha" And "Allah" And God @ Open Your Mind

Who made you? Shouldn't you accept your maker as your lord and as your king? And seriously, do you deserve salvation or guidance if you are not honest? There are many people who claim to be Muslims, but are they really Muslims? Are there really many Muhammadists (Muhammadans)? And are there really many Christians? Fact is, Muslim = one who "aslim" (to Allah). And fact is, Muslim does not mean follower of Nabi Muhammad. So? Beware, do not equalize becoming a Muslim with becoming a Muhammadist or follower of Nabi Muhammad. Becoming Muslim is not as same as becoming a Muhammadist. But remember, if you are not actually a Muslim, then you are not a true follower of Nabi Muhammad. And do understand that if you are not actually a Muslim, then you are not a true follower of Nabi Isa, aka Jesus Christ, in other words, if you are not actually a Muslim, then you are not truly a Christian.
       Muslim = one who "aslim" (to Allah), so you need to "aslim" (to Allah) if you want to be a Muslim. And based on verse 5 of surah Fatihah and the first 3 versus of surah Kafirun, you should realize that a Muslim is one who worships Allah, only Allah. Yes, worshiping Allah, only Allah, and "aslim" to Allah, are necessary in order to be in Islam or to become a Muslim, but understand that saying "the Syahadah" (Shahada) does not make you one who worship Allah, nor one who "aslim" to Allah. So? Truly, saying "the Syahadah" is not how to enter Islam or become a Muslim. And frankly, the many are not followers of Nabi Muhammad, but followers of "the misguided teaching of Syahadah". "Aslim" is Arabic for surrender. And Christian means follower of Jesus Christ. Truth is, Jesus Christ is Isa al-Masih. And Isa al-Masih is Nabi Isa. Remember, Jesus Christ = Isa al-Masih = Nabi Isa. Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa) is a messenger of Allah. Allah gave him the book called "Injil". And Allah gave Nabi Muhammad the book called "al-Quran". The Quran is in Arabic. And there are many translations of the Quran. Beware of any mistranslation. Beware of any misdefinition. And beware of any misconclusion. Truly, "ilah" (spelled "alif-laam-ha") is Arabic for "God" and for "god". And yes, "alif-laam-ha" could also be pronounced as "alaha", which is Aramaic for "God" and for "god". So?
       Actually, there are no such things as capital letters in Aramaic, which is the language of Jesus Christ. Note: Jesus Christ was a preacher. And the "lingua franca" was Aramaic, not Hebrew, so? Moving on, there are no such things as capital letters in Arabic, which is the language of Nabi Muhammad and the Quran. And personal names, including or especially Allah and Isa al-Masih and Muhammad, should not be "translated" or changed, or else there will be many confusions and many "stupid and time-wasting" arguments. "God" is a wrong translation for "Allah" (spelled "alif-laam-laam-ha"), but "God" is a correct translation for "ilah" and for the Aramaic word "alaha". Remember, in addition to "ilah", "alif-laam-ha" (the Arabic spelling for "ilah") could also be pronounced as "alaha" and "ilahi", but not "allah". Truly, the Arabic word for "God" is "ilah", not "Allah". And yes, "Allah" is a personal name, unlike "God" and "King" and "Lord". Allah is one. He did not beget, nor was He begotten. Allah is one, but the beliefs and fallacies and assumptions regarding Allah are many. Be careful. Assuming is not knowing. And beware, assumption is not as same as truth. Allah is a god, truly a god. And Allah is god of all humans, not just the Pagans and Muslims. Lord and king and god are 3 types or categories of rulers. And the word "god" means sovereign ruler. "God" does not mean "one being worshiped", nor "the creator", nor "the supreme being". And a sovereign ruler is a ruler who is not controlled by anyone. "God" means sovereign ruler, but is there a sovereign ruler other than Allah, in other words, is there a ruler who is not controlled by anyone except Allah? Answer: No. So?
       Truly, no one is a god except Allah, or not a god except Allah. And "laa-ilaha-illallah" should be translated to "not a god except Allah". Worshiping Allah, only Allah, and "aslim" to Allah, are necessary in order to be in Islam or to become a Muslim, but saying "the Syahadah" does not make you one who worships Allah, nor one who "aslim" to Allah: So a lie, a big lie is the teaching which says that entering Islam or becoming a Muslim is by saying "the Syahadah". And a lie, a big lie is that Jesus Christ was crucified. Regarding crucifixion, think, how high was the cross? And how could a man free himself from the cross if both of his hands are tied or nailed to the wooden beam? Anyway, "syahadah" is a witnessing, not a testimony, nor a declaration. And understand that if you did not witness, then you cannot bear witness. So? Actually, did you witness that "laa-ilaha-illallah" and that "Muhammadar Rasulullah"? If not, so? Truly, Allah is your maker. You should accept Allah as your lord and as your king. You should be loyal to Allah, not accepting anyone else as your lord, let alone as your king. And you should be in surrender to Allah, not rebellious against Allah, nor arrogant.
Do You Really Follow Or Believe In Jesus Christ?
- https://bit.ly/3c3WUFq
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"Tauhid" And "Shirk" And Worship And God
- https://bit.ly/2UrxhqZ
Stop Lying About Allah Or God Or The Bible
- https://bit.ly/35sdgDi
Muhammadist And Christian And
The True Meaning of Islam
- https://goo.gl/9LWTJ4
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- https://bit.ly/3de7NV7