Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Jesus vs God @ Why Jesus Christ Is Not God

What is "christ"? The word “christ” comes from christos, a Greek word meaning “anointed.” God is the "anointer" and "Jesus" is the anointed: So, Jesus Christ is not God. Get it? And "god" means "sovereign ruler". So? Hmm, fake Christians, and fake Muhammadists, and fake Muslims, and fake Quranists, and the things they lie about or made up.
       Anyway, Allah is our creator, our lord, our king, our god. Not a god (sovereign ruler) except Allah. To Allah we belong. And willing or not, to Allah we are returned. Hmm, is there proof that someone other than Allah is your creator? And mistranslation, and misdefinition, and misconclusion: What else should we know or be aware of so that we will not be in the wrong? Remember, dishonesty deserves not salvation. And assumption is not truth, nor knowledge.
To So-Called Christians And Anyone Who
Cares About Truth And Righteousness
- https://goo.gl/BrRjkt
"Jesus Christ" And Plagiarizing,
And How To Be A Christian
- https://bit.ly/2YUCkAq