Who is "Jesus Christ"? Christian means follower of Jesus Christ, but surely Jesus Christ is not a follower of Jesus Christ. Verily, Jesus Christ is not a Christian, and therefore, his religion is not Christianity. If not Christianity, then what is the religion of Jesus Christ? Answer: Islam, which is the religion of Ibrahim, aka Abraham. And what is the real name of Jesus Christ, or by what name did his mother call him? Surely not "Jesus".
Shouldn't we call him by what his mother calls him? And worship, whom did he worship? Surely not Jesus. Nevertheless, who made Jesus? Answer: Allah, Him, the creator of Islam, the author of the Quran, the only true god. Is there proof that someone other than Allah is the creator of Isa al-Masih, aka Jesus Christ? No, right? So? Don't be deceived, or make no mistake: In Arabic, "God" is "ilah" in Arabic, and "the God" is "al-ilah", not "Allah". The spelling of "ilah" is "alif-lam-ha". And do understand that "alif-lam-ha" can be "ilah", also "alaha", but not "allaha", nor "allah".