Sunday, July 11, 2021

Son And Children Of God, And Regarding Ezra And The Jews

Do you want the truth? Investigate or be rational. Unfortunately, most people believe what they want to believe, rather than believe what they should believe. Anyway, not every truth is easy to realize and accept, but let the truth stand, no matter who hates it. And a good website to search for an English translation of any verse of the Quran is Now, let's consider verse 30 of surah at-Taubah of the Quran (Quran 9:30), which is translated by Sahih International as "The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah"; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?" Note: Any Quranic verse is the saying of the author of the Quran, not or rather than the saying of Nabi Muhammad. And the language of the Quran is Arabic. Let me know if the translation contains an error, or if the translation is not good enough. "Allah" (ul-lawh) is a personal name of the one and only true god. And the Arabic word or name that is translated as Ezra is "Uzair". 
       "Al-Masih" in Arabic is as same as Christ or the Christ, and as the Messiah. And Jesus Christ is Isa al-Masih. Regarding "son and children of God", do Muslims believe that we are sons and daughters of God, or do Muslims believe that we are children of God? Answer: No, not in "the Greek sense" of the word, nor in "non-Greek sense" of the word. Especially to Rabbi Tovia Singer and other Jews, please don't lie or make things up. Precisely, being divine or being holy is not as same as being a son or daughter of God. Be truthful. Be precise. And do Muslims believe that Ezra is a prophet? Answer: No, unless Ezra is as same as Uzair. Anyway, if we were not there when there was Ezra or Nabi Muhammad, then what can we really know about Ezra or Nabi Muhammad? Beware of assumptions. Beware of hearsays. And trust or faith: We should believe what God says, really says, not or rather than what any non-God says, agree? God, what does the word "god" mean, and so who is a god, truly a god? Why did Firaun or the Pharaoh claim to be a god? And worship, what does "to worship" mean? Find out. Don't be deceived or wrong about the meaning of god. Don't be deceived or wrong about the meaning of worship. And don't be deceived or wrong about how to enter Islam or become a Muslim. Hmm, is it true that all Arabs were pagans before Muhammad was chosen as a messenger of Allah? Understand that his father's name is Abdullah. And Muslims regard or accept themselves as slaves of Allah. Abdullah means slave of Allah. Slave of Allah, not slave of anyone else. Slave of Allah. Imagine. So? Note: Servant is not as same as slave. And imagine someone who believes that Allah, only Allah is our rightful lord, our rightful king: Would he or she enslave you or me? No, right? Anyway, liberty, we deserve liberty, not slavery. Only Allah has the right as our lord. Only Allah has the right as our king. And like "shirk", slavery is not where Allah is king or is lord, but it is where someone other than Allah is king or is lord. 
       Moving on, didn't the Jews try to have Jesus Christ killed? And didn't they lie about Jesus Christ or his mother? What are some of the bad words did the Jews give or say to Jesus Christ or his mother? Did they think that they are superior or special in the sight of God compared to other people? And regarding Ezra, why not watch the 2 hour video on YouTube which is more or less entitled "The Book Of Ezra - Banned From The Bible"? So? Note: I have downloaded the video for the record. Anyway, why didn't the Jews accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah? Why did they oppose him? What is "wrong" with Jesus Christ? And understand that the "lingua franca" or the most common language of the region was Aramaic, not Hebrew. Imagine. Seriously, were Israelites a majority, or were there more non-Israelites? Were there many Israelites who followed Jesus Christ? And today, are there many Israelites who are Christians or followers of Jesus Christ? Israelites and Palestinians are not the same. And Palestinians are Arabs. "God" is "ilah" in Arabic, and is "alaha" in Aramaic. There are no capital letters in Arabic, nor in Aramaic: So, "God" and "god" is "ilah", or "alaha". Again, "Allah" is a personal name of the one and only true god. Understand that the meaning of "god" is sovereign ruler. And "laa-ilaha-illallah" should be translated as "not a god except Allah", not as "no god except God". 
The True Meaning Of Worship, And Regarding 
Fake Muslims And The Enemies Of Islam 
War Against Injustice And Terrorism 
@ To The Good-Hearted People 
Crucifixion And "Syahadah" (2 Big Lies), 
And Worship And The "Lingua Franca" 
*** Contains "how to become a Muslim" *** 
Firaun (Pharaoh) Versus God @ The True Meaning Of "God" 
Don't Mislabel @ Fake Is Fake @ Call A Spade A Spade 